Like an Eagle soaring in the wind, I've turned the corner and coming back. Even dealing with severe pain in my leg from my back, I'm still in the game.
My wife gave me a massage to ease the pain and been taking pain medication to lessen the pain. Working out with the weights, Jumping Jack and Wall Push ups. Working out thirty minutes to an hour every other day. Walking more in my real life by parking far away from the job and stores to get in extra calories without thinking about it.
Still trying to incorporate the Glycemic Index in my diet and staying away from soda's. Having a struggle with the amounts and keep my sugar intake down. Eating Tuna, Red Meat, Wheat bread, and Coffee.
Lost one pound in a month. Not a big amount but I will take it since I had been consistently gaining weight. Trying to increase the intensity but hinder by pain and will work to reduce that so I can go all the way. Until next time take care and God Bless!
I've been keeping up my workouts every other day and just in general moving more to burn those calories. Some of my shirts are loose and started to be to big for me. Glad the belly fat which is the most dangerous fat for disease going down on me.
My wife doctor told her that her sugar level is high and so we've adjusted our diets to the Glysemic index.. Added beans to our diet and watching our sugar intake and keeping it smaller. Still eating my two fruits a day with grapefruit and bananas or apples.
This last week has been dealing with pain in my leg from my bad back. Recently the pain was so bad I had to rest on the bench at the park
downtown and watch my wife walk the bridge and then go and get the truck
and pick me up. I was done for the day.
I've put ice on it and that brought down some of the pain. I prefer to heal it naturally and not take pain pills. Now my refrigerator has stopped producing ice and will try to get a massage.
I will keep you guys posted, until next time take care and God Bless.
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The latest study finds an intriguing connection between weight-bearing exercises and a lower risk of diabetes.
While lifting weights is more often associated with strengthening
muscle and keeping bones healthy, those exercises primarily benefit
what’s known as red muscle, which gets its color from mitochondria, the
energy factories of cells. Red muscle is the core of endurance athletes’
strength and helps them to power through sustained workouts. But it
turns out that another type of muscle, white muscle, which is more
prevalent among sprinters, weightlifters and those who use resistance
training, where short bursts of energy are critical, may play a role in
regulating blood sugar.
White muscle also becomes more prevalent as people age, as the cells
start to rely more on glucose for energy. That’s partly why researchers
have long believed that the shift from red to white muscle is can be
harmful, since the dependence on glucose can encourage insulin
resistance. Greater demand for sugar leads to higher levels of the
hormone insulin that can overwhelm cells and leave them unable to
respond to the sugar-metabolizing hormone, which provides the ideal
environment for diabetes. But in the latest research published in the
journal Nature Medicine, scientists from the Life Sciences Institute at the University of Michigan question that view, reporting that white muscle may actually keep blood sugar levels in check.
(MORE:Mind Your Reps: Exercise, Especially Weight Lifting, Helps Keep the Brain Sharp)
“Despite the good correlation between diabetes and white muscle, the
cause and effect relationship has not been proven and remains
controversial,” says study author Jiandie Lin, a Life Sciences Institute
faculty member and associate professor at the University of Michigan
Medical School.
The researchers bred mice to pump out more of a protein —
called BAF60c — linked to the development of white muscle. They found
that mice with higher levels of BAF60c did in fact have paler muscles,
which confirmed that the protein is part of the pathway for their white
muscle development.
They then put the mice on treadmills to compare their physical
endurance to a group of control mice with less BAF60c. The BAF60c mice
were able to run powerfully for short distances, but wore out faster
than the other animals.
The genetically altered mice were then put on a high-fat diet, and to
the researchers’ surprise, the animals exhibited better control over
their blood sugar levels than mice on the same diet who weren’t making
more of the protein.
(MORE:Latest Fitness Trends: Body Weight Training Takes Centerstage)
“What our study highlights is that having more white muscle per se is
not deleterious. When we activate the white muscle program in mice
through a transgene, we observed that the mice are protected from fatty
diet-induced metabolic disorders. They have a better ability to control
blood glucose levels,” says Lin. Previous studies
hinted that weight-bearing exercises could benefit diabetes risk, but
the latest findings provide a more detailed explanation for why. If
further research shows the BAF60c pathway is indeed a safe and effective
way of building white muscle and improving blood sugar management,
patients may be able to take advantage of activities that can boost
white muscle production, such as weight lifting, as well as drugs that
can produce the same effect, to control the insulin resistance and high
glucose levels that forecast diabetes.
I've decided to do another workout in real time -live. I will change it up a bit and will add some variety in addition to dancing to You Tube videos. I will workout with weights in the living room, dance in the computer room upstairs and add jumping jacks and such.
Started at 4:43 pm lifting weights. Did two sets of arm curls, shoulder presses, and triceps exercises. Each set varied from 8 to 15 exercises.
At 5:00 pm stopped weight lifting and now will dance to You Tube. Played a lot of Irene Cara songs like "Why Me", "What a Feeling" and "Fame". I played each song twice since I hadn't heard them in a long time and good for dancing. Played a few other artist as well. I was sweating pretty hard after I finished dancing. Danced until 5:30 pm.
At 5:30 doing floor exercises like jumping jacks and push ups. With my buttock sore from my sciatic pain I didn't do the push up. Did Jumping Jack until failure the first set and then did about two more sets from 15 to 20. Stopped at 5:39 pm. Worked out a total of 56 minutes.
This was good workout and will continue to do these. Until next time take care and God Bless.
Zia Soleil
Forget the pills — there’s new evidence that exercise may be as effective as medications in treating heart disease and diabetes.
Doctors now advise everyone, from young children to older adults, to
become more physically active. It’s the best way to maintain a healthy
weight, keep the heart muscle strong, and improve your mental outlook.
But can exercise be as good as drugs in actually preventing disease and
treating serious chronic illnesses?
That’s what researchers from the London School of Economics, Harvard
Medical School and Stanford University School of Medicine wanted to find
out. They compared the effect of exercise to that of drug therapy on
four different health outcomes: heart disease, recovery from stroke,
heart failure treatment and preventing diabetes.
The scientists pooled the results of 305 trials involving 339,274
people who were randomly assigned to either an exercise program or a
drug-based therapy and found that there were no detectable differences
between the two groups when it came to preventing diabetes and keeping
additional events at bay for heart patients. And the physical activity
was most powerful for participants who experienced a stroke. The only
group that didn’t benefit from the exercise over drugs were patients
with heart failure, likely because the strain of the physical activity
wasn’t recommended for their condition.
(MORE: Exercise Alone Can Melt Away Dangerous Belly Fat in Diabetics)
The findings involving diabetes patients confirmed previous trials that documented how effective physical activity can be in bringing blood sugar levels down.
So why do most doctors prescribe drugs over exercise? There are more
rigorous studies testing the effectiveness of drug therapies to treat
common diseases, say the study authors, than there are studies that test
the power of exercise. With these results, however, the researchers
hope to see more work on how exercise can be a significant part of a
treatment program for diseases ranging from heart problems to diabetes.
Those studies will need to analyze physical activity in the same way
that drugs are studied, to determine how much exercise is needed to
trigger beneficial changes in the body that can treat or prevent
Currently, to maintain optimum health, federal experts recommend that
people exercise at a moderate intensity for about 2.5 hours a week. But
fewer than half of Americans meet that recommendation, and a third of
Americans don’t get any exercise at all. The latest findings should
encourage even those who aren’t active, however, since research shows
even just talking a brisk walk can help lower the risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, and be as powerful as medications in keeping the body healthy.
Buying all that extra fruit to stay healthy has caused a unwelcome problem in my home,. fruit fly's and gnats, yuck!! They are in several rooms in the house, mainly in the kitchen and living room. Picked up the bananas on top of the bread box and many of these critters just fly and buzz you.
Spending a lot of time on You Tube looking for ways to get rid of them. From You Tube I put out water and vinegar in a cup with plastic with tiny wholes in it. Got a few of them, but didn't make a big dent in them. After watching You Tube today, put in bleach in the down the sink where they are apparently breeding in.Will continue the fight until they are gone. If you out there have a remedy let me know? (in the comment section of the blog).
Haven't weighed myself in a while since the news was bad here lately. Concentrating more on doing the work to lose the weight again. Got plenty of unscheduled exercise over the weekend. We got over 7 inches of rain in two days time and my basement had two minor floods occurring because of it.Spent time soaking up the water into mop buckets and putting down towels. On the TV news I was told that other had major basement floods, so I was lucky and re assured me it the overflow of the rain was why I had flood issues and nothing else.
I will keep you posted on my adventures and progress and lack of too. Until next time take care and God Bless.
I've decided to do a live workout while doing this post today. This is the second time I've done. The first one was so much fun, I've decided to do a new one. This one is not planned out so everything will be done on the spur of the moment.
3:18 pm, start dancin to You Tube. Off to a slow start, taking a while for You Tube to load and my first song Let's hear it for the boys by Denise Williams is slowing coming up also. Video starts at 3: 21 pm. Yesterday was reading about how sick Casey Kasem was, so today will dance to the 80's in tribute.
3: 25 pm off to a good start. Up next Let's Dance by David Bowie. Eight minutes (3:29 pm) and no sweat yet, still on this video. Now looking for Electric Ave by Eddy Grant.
3:35 next up is Dancin on the Ceiling by Lionel Richie. Will really pump it up on this one. Always loved this song. He is now touring in America after his big comeback last year. Good Stuff.
20 minutes in the workout and up next is I might have been queen by Tina Turner. A cut on her Private Dancer album I always liked. Can't believe it is on You Tube. In 1984, I saw her open for Lionel Richie on her big comeback tour.
3:48 pm still jammin. Pulling up Pink Houses by John Mellingcamp. I use to own a lot of his albums back in the eighties. One of those songs I always like from the first time I heard it.
3:55 pm letting celebration by kool and the gang take over. with over 19 million views, I guess I not the only one doing this one.
This was one quick and fun workout. Good memories dancin to the 80's. 41 minutes and burned 490 calories. Until next time take care and God Bless.