June 27, 2013
Getting ready to start a two hour workout. My workout on Tuesday was very intense with dancing to You Tube. I danced so hard to increase the intensity and burn more fat, I could feel sweat on the floor, in my hair, and even taste it in my mouth. I never sweated that hard before.
Tonight workout will be push ups, squats, running in place and jumping jacks. Start 8 07 pm with jumping jacks to get the blood pumping. At the 8 16 pm mark and I'm already sweating down my cheek after some squats, and jumping jacks. At 8 19 pm mark I've completed four push up not bad for a 275 pound man. My goal is doing thirty of these with every work out. Also ran in place at a fast pace.
At the 8:25 pm mark and completed five more push up for a total of nine. Did more running in place and squats. Now sweat is on my chest and stomach and pouring from my face and my body is hot. When I reach the hour mark I will break for some water and get back to business. At the 8 34 pm mark I can feel sweat now on the top of my thighs and the back of my neck and back. Just did running in place and squats.
At the 8 42 pm mark I feel a little winded from pushing so hard, but it is making me stronger and burning the fat which is good. Completed five more push ups to a total of 15, which is half way to my goal of thirty. Most of my body is covered with buckets of sweat and I have sweat in my chair as I type. At the 8 48 pm mark having trouble seeing with my glasses fogged up and sweat on them. In addition to more squats and jumping jacks, added five more push ups for a total of twenty one.
I'm taking my water break now, it's a little early but I need it. At the 8 56 pm mark, my heart is pumping hard and breathing hard. Got like 1 hour and nine minutes to go to complete two hours. So sweaty now feel like I've been caught out in a rain storm. Also I have to work out without the glasses since I'm sweating so hard.
At the 9 03 pm mark more running in place and jumping jacks. Completed five more push up and now I have a total of twenty seven of those done. that water was good and hit the spot. sweat is now burning one of my eyes. I feel like James Brown, my singing idol on the stage with all this sweat. One of his hit songs is Body Heat and I got plenty of that too.
At the 9 10 pm mark still working hard and taking more mini breaks. Not stopping at all, I'm going all the way. Getting ready to knockout some more push up and make my goal. At the 9 16 pm mark completed six more push ups for a total of thirty three. Three more than my goal of thirty a day. Did some squats too. My chest and stomach is covered with thick sweat. Can someone send me a virtual tower to dry off with, LOL.
At the 9 21 pm mark did some more squats and running in place. I have forty four minutes to go in my workout. Tomorrow I will rest and let my body recover. At the 9 32 pm mark this 275 pound man has completed 4 more push up to a new high total of thirty seven - seven more than my goal. In the home stretch with thirty three minutes to go. I'm nearing the last quarter of my work out.
At the 9 38 pm mark I just did some more squats and jumping jacks. Also did some wall push ups. When I first started this journey to lose a 100 pounds in January I couldn't do a single push up. So instead I did wall push ups and built my way up to doing real push up on the floor. Starting off by doing three push up on the floor in the beginning and then slowly worked my way up. There no doubt my body is stronger and fitter than it has been in decades.
At the 9 44 pm mark and I wish my work out was done already. Can't quit now got to make my goal. Since I haven't lost a good amount of weight in a while I decided to up my intensity in my workouts. I had noticed my workout had lacked the hard intensity and sweat I had been getting. Mistake, always keep the intensity because that burns the fat and causes you to lose the weight. I can't wait until my next weigh in, it will be different. twenty one minute to go, got to get it done.
At the 9 50 pm mark and I have fifteen minutes left in my work out. Saturday work out will consist of one hour of weight training plus one hour of dancing to You Tube. I adjusted my work out with more cardio three to one to weight lifting to make a difference in my weight loss.
The clocks says 10 05 pm and that concludes my work out for the night. Covered in sweat and ready to call it a night. I will sleep good tonight and will take tomorrow off and eat low fat meat like chicken, fish, or tuna.
Yesterday I ate Tilopia fish with hush puppies, which were real good. Tonight I ate two tuna fish sandwiches on wheat bread with low calorie water drink. For lunch today I had chips, pecans, two tangerines and a banana. Tomorrow lunch will have a new item which is slim popcorn I got from Costco. This Sunday is my wedding anniversary and normally it would be my low fat day. Since my wife wants me to make a exception, I will do that and just have two low fat days in a row to compensate for that.
I have another injury to report. Since I've started my journey I busted my little toe by getting it caught in my shoe that resulted in it doubling in size and become severely disfigured. Then my bad back went out in a major way when I was working out six days a week. Now I had a freak accident when I went to cut the grass over the weekend. In the garage I step back onto a palate and it slammed real hard in the back of my leg.
Since I didn't put ice on it right away, the doctor said it will hurt, and cause a bad bruise for months. She right it hurts and looks bad. Putting heat on it and taking some Tylenol to manage it as the doctor said. I neglected it by caring for my wife who needed surgery for her crohn's disease the next day.
It's been another challenging and sometime grueling workout. As they say no pain no gain. Until next time take care and God bless.
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