
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013

Today I'm taking off from exercising. Since my back injury I put more rest days into my program until I see the back specialist next week. My MRI was worse than my doctor expected and she changed me from going thru physical therapy to seeing a specialist instead. I'm a lot better but have pain from time to time, mainly when I run or sit a certain way.

Yesterday danced to You tube for like forty minutes and the other day did a complete ninety minutes workout with weights, walking/running in the park and dancing to You tube. Also I stay active when I'm not working out. I go the store and park far a way so I burn more calories that way. Also when I watch TV I get up and do stuff doing the commercials. Sometimes I workout watching the tv shows.

Tonight I made a salad, pork chop sandwich and collard greens and low calorie drink mix. Eating a lot of nuts keep my system flowing like gang busters. Finished off cashews, will crack some of my pecans in the freezer for tomorrow lunch. Tomorrow for dinner I'm planning on fish or a tuna sandwich.

Tomorrow my Jacuzzi will be installed but we can't use for months until the basement is completed done. Workers still need to finish taping and mudding  the dry wall, finishing putting together the bathroom, then we'll paint and put the furniture back in it. Until next time take care and God bless. Thanks for stopping by.

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