February 19, 2013
Someone on a fitness blog i belong too asked me how i lost weight. Here is my response:
My purpose was to lose weight eating regular (non diet) food. The adjustment was to add some fruit, vegetables, and eat high fat protein one day like pork chop sandwich and the next day eat low fat protein like tuna and salmon fish. I do different workouts like jumping jacks, weight lifting, ellilitical, dance to you tube, leg squats, walk/jog in the park stuff like that. Also add a new exercise every week. In my daily life get active by doing stuff around the house to burn calories and sometimes do workout while watching tv. washing dishes for ten minutes burn 50 calories. Just get up and move. That's it.
Getting ready to exercise after i make this post. Will start with working out on the large ball my wife has. Been doing crunches on that. Will look at the exercise booklet that came with it and try some new stuff. Also will try and find my jump rope and hop on the elliptical to finish out my workout tonight.
Tonight i pigged out on two piece of candy, two pork chop sandwiches and some ice cream. It weird filling full, not somethings that happen too often now. When your stomach is full it can slow you down. Tomorrow night i will eat something light like tuna or the new dish i've added rice and beef stew meat.
My wife notice my pants fitting loosely on me last week. My pants are literally falling off me all the time. Before long I'll have to buy new cloths. This is my new life style for life. I will keep you guys posted, until next time take care of yourselves and God Bless.
Fitness blog i belong to
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