
Monday, January 21, 2013

My Diet

The most challenging part of losing weight has been sticking to a healthy diet.  I never saw a desert i didn't like. Usually I overindulge to the point of making myself sick. Once a cousin I hadn't seen in many year reminded me i use to eat a whole gallon of ice cream in one setting when i was a boy. Major tragedy stuck my young life and food became a comforter.

Oreos were my hero's, chocolate donuts, pecan baked brownies and other sweets took over my life into adult hood. Sweets are ememy number one for me in more ways than one. My mother has diabetes which is major problem in both sides of my family tree.

My biggest fear is contracting this disease. This is one major motivation to get a handle on my life.

My diet for weight loss consist of limiting sweet to a bare minimum. Eating home cook meals consisting of meat and vegetable and fruit. I don't like diet food at all, so I'm eating regular food. I drink a lot of water and only drink soda on the weekends. I do have one dessert i will eat and that is icecream.  I plan to limit it to every other week, to get calcium since i dont' like milk at all.

 I'm not into trend diets at all.  If for whatever reason i start to yo yo or not meet my goal at all i may look into weight watchers. At the the very least consider by pass surgery. I not feeling surgery not a fan of that at all. That's why i prefer to lose the old fashioned way.

I plan to post both the success and failures i have in terms of diet, exercise and other bumps in the road.

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