
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Conquered High Blood pressure naturally

In my quest to bring down my blood pressure natually from stroke level of 150/90, I have succeeded well beyond my wildest dreams. My blood pressure was verified at the Take Care Clinic yesterday at 108/58. This is well below the recommended 120/80 or less. This along with me getting a flu shot at the same time earned me a total of 600 points on my wellness points which put me less than three hundred points for the Gold status level.

To natually bring it down it was a combination of watching my soduim intake, eating bananas and yams and exercising daily. So I have avoided having to take blood pressure medications. This is a big deal for  me because my mom and brother are on high blood medications and have Diabetes. I haven't had that but was pre diabetic last year.

Now I need to put more focus on losing more weight. My last three weigh my weight has stayed the same in the 286-287 range. So I haven't lost any weight in a while. I've been drinking more soda and junk food but has drastically cut out fast food. Good news on the cut in the fast food is more money in my pocket, that stuff is expensive. My steps on my fitbit have come down from my normal of 60,000 steps a week to around 45,000 steps. So that has to go back up along with more gym time.

So I got more work to do and still conquer new goals. My next weight goal is to lose six more pound so I can gain 1,400 points in my wellness points and put my wife and I in the Gold status. More later, take care. 

Saturday, October 03, 2015

2 Months Progess

I've been very busy in my life and haven't had much time to blog. I've had my fitbit for 2 months now and can report I've have lost a total  13 pounds. I got my weekly average up to 60,000 steps and I have earned many badges along the way. In addition to that I work out in my home gym as well with the kettlebell, free weights, and heavy boxing bag.

This week I was waking up sore all over so I took most of the week off to let my body heal itself. Today I will start back working out even though I don't feel like it. My health is too important to just sit still too long.

I had brought my blood pressure from stroke level of 150/90 down to 118/80. Then last week I checked it and it was back in the stroke level area. Still determined to bring it down naturally, but may have to seek medical help if it doesn't go back down and stay down.

Last Sunday my wife and I walked in the Optum Kidney walk that had a large turnout. They announced they had raised $140.000.00. Talk to you guys later. Time to get moving.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

48,000 steps in a week

I am walking like crazy and increasing my steps from the previous week. The last week of august I walked over 48,000 steps, averaging over 6,800 steps per day. That equates to over 22 miles walked according to my fitbit for that week. My calorie count for that week was over 21,500 calories burned.

Next week I will get on the scale and check my blood pressure and post those results. In the mean time I will continue to push and make myself healthy as possible.

Speaking of walking, my wife and I are walking for my company Optum Healthcare for the Kidney foundation to raise fund to help fight this disease. Our walk at a local park will take place on September 27, 2015. Over 25 million suffer from this disease including my mother. See link below if you want to help sponsor me, thanks in advance.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Five Pounds Down in two Weeks!

Today I got on the scale to see my two week progress. Glad to report I blew it out of the water. The last two weeks I lost FIVE pounds (new weight 292), which equates to 17, 500 burned calories. To say the least my Fitbit has changed my life for the better. I am obsessed looking at it all the time, by the way, I am recharging it while online.

I've had my fitbit for three weeks and every week I've increased my steps and calorie burned from the previous week. My first week I walked like 16,000 steps and last week I walked 23,000 steps Included in that was last week Saturday's walk of 4.3 miles at a local park my wife and I frequent. My routine is still two day of exercise and one day off for rest and recovery.

This week I hit the heavy bag, lifted  weights, and got on my elliptical  in my home gym. This week promoted to coach/supervisor at work, where I am more active walking around more as well. At home cut back on watching as much TV and staying active cleaning up and just getting more movement when not exercising.

As far as my diet I drink more water, averaging about 30 oz's per day which is half of what is recommended. With that small increase, that is making a big impact as well with my success. I still eat fried foods but have cut down on the portion size I normally eat. Stopped eating pizza every week, since it is loaded with fat, salt, and calories. That is now on my special occasion list.

Since my blood pressure has spiked I'm reading every food label for sodium content when  I shop at the grocery store. Only buying low sodium foods to keep from stoking out. Sodium will help bind food in your body and keep it stored in you for a longer time. This has help to contribute to my weight loss big time as well.

Another diet change is for work, I make sure I take fruit everyday and twice a week take a low cal sandwich like turkey/cheese sandwich. The rest of the days I take a low calorie weight watcher dinner.

As far as liquids, during the week I limit myself to a soda twice a week and maybe one on the weekend. I drink a lot of water or low cal drink mix. For my gout I drink a cup of cherry juice everyday to stay pain free.

FIVE pounds off in two weeks blows me away. Later today I will check my blood pressure to make sure it is still going in the right direction as well. I will keep you guys updated in the future.

Monday, August 17, 2015

26 Miles Milestone

Yesterday earned a marathon badge for walking 26 miles over a two week period using my fitbit. I'm hooked on this technology. Today I joined the fitbit google plus page.

Lost two pounds in the last two weeks, down to 297 pounds. My blood pressure is down to 152/86, trying to bring it down to normal in the next three months thru diet and exercise. Hoping to avoid having to get medication.

My weeds in my flower bed had become trees and were everywhere. This is something I don't like doing. My wife and I spent two hours clearing those out over the weekend. Ended up with three 55 gallon trash bags full of branches  and small weeds.. Burned some serious calories doing that.

Trying to stay as active as I can to keep burning those calories. In the mean time I buying bigger clothes to keep me going while I begin to battle this weight problem again and get healthy.
Food is my biggest challenge since I like to eat good tasting food.

Will keep updating my status and stuff. Take care.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

High Blood Pressure and Fitbit

It's been a really long time since I have posted anything on my blog. I fell of the band wagon and gained all the weight back. My exercise fell off big time; only doing a few sessions a month.

Then had to do my annual health assessment last month and found out my blood pressure was extremely high for the first time in my life, reading 169/92. This is like stroke city range and needing hospital stays. I was determined to watch my sodium intake and increase my exercise to combat this problem. Luckily it has been going down. Last time I checked it read like 154/85. Still high but going in the right direction. I think it spiked from eating a lot of country ham.

Then two week ago, my wife purchased us both fitbit bands that measure our walking steps and calories burns. Got hooked from day 1!! Everyday trying to get my 10,000 steps in. Last weekend walked both day in the park doing two miles each day.

My weight is now 299 pounds, one pound heavier than when I started this process. Every two weeks I'm weighing myself and checking my blood pressure. 

This is my update for now and will keep posting again.